What is Daily Money Management?

Daily Money Management is a service, which provides assistance
for individuals and families in managing their financial affairs. The
services of a Daily Money Manager can enable older adults to
maintain their independence while providing their families or
caregivers with peace of mind. Many individuals and families have
busy lives that leave little time for leisure pursuits; daily money
management services can give them more time to do the things they


Who needs a Daily Money Manager? YOU DO!


Every busy person and family.
Students starting college.
Graduates starting work.
Senior citizens and/or their caregivers who are
committed to maintaining an independent lifestyle.
Challenged people with physical or mental limitations.
Those in debt.
Newly engaged couples (pre-marital financial counseling)
People who have never handled finances.
Travelers with commitments at home.


What can a Daily Money Manager do for you?


Help you identify financial goals.
Develop a budget that reflects your financial conditions
Organize and maintain your personal and financial
records, files and correspondence.
Track and pay bills.
Prepare and make bank deposits.
Reconciling your bank statement.
Generate monthly reports on receipts and spending.
Prepare information for your tax preparer.
Work with your attorney, CPA, financial advisor,
insurance professional to provide you with complete
financial services.
Facilitate credit repair of debts or identity theft.
Schedule professional and household maintenance
Work with realtors for sale or lease of your property.
Collect rent on your properties.
Compile information to settle estates.


What doesn't a Daily Money Manager do?

A Daily Money Manager does not provide tax, investment, or legal
advice.These services are provided by your accountant, financial
advisor or attorney. A Daily Money Manager works with these
professionals to provide you with complete financial services.

When is it time for a Daily Money Manager?

People often turn to a Daily Money Manager after a crisis such as a
utilitycut-off or threatened eviction. But Daily Money Management
can also help prevent such emergencies.

Review your checkbook, bank statements, and canceled checks. If
you're concerned about someone else's finances, make sure that
person reviews the financial documents with you. These are some
indicators that Daily Money Management might help you or a loved


Inappropriate payments, e.g., payment of medical bills
when insurance has already paid them.
Many payments to home shopping, credit card
companies, sweepstakes, etc.
Excessive number of checks made out to charities.
No tracking of income sources.
Deposits and/or checks not recorded in check register.
Lost checkbook or bank statements.
Numerous transfers or funds from savings to
checking account.
Consistent payments to the same person
    (which many indicate financial exploitation).


Review bills and correspondence. Many letters from creditors or
overdue bills indicate the Daily Money Management could be

If we've missed something you need,
let's add it!
Together we'll develop solutions
that work for you.

Call for a Free Consultation!